November 16, 2024

GenPrime Fertility Doctors Summit 2024

The GenPrime Fertility Doctors Summit 2024, held on November 16, united global fertility experts from the Rhea Scientific Advisory Network and GenPrime Clinical Teams to showcase breakthroughs in reproductive medicine and endocrinology.

The GenPrime Fertility Doctors Summit 2024, held on November 16, united global fertility experts from the Rhea Scientific Advisory Network and GenPrime Clinical Teams to showcase breakthroughs in reproductive medicine and endocrinology. This dynamic event fostered collaboration, innovation, and bold discussions on the future of fertility care and women's health.  

Margaret Wang, CEO of Rhea Fertility kicked off the summit with an enthusiastic greeting to the stakeholders: “I’m truly excited to have each of you here, bringing together some of the brightest minds in reproductive medicine to share, learn, and grow together. At GenPrime, we believe that collaboration drives meaningful change, and I hope this summit inspires the kind of teamwork and innovation that pushes us all forward.”

A highlight  of the summit was the keynote address by Dr. Dean Morbeck, Chief Scientific Officer at Genea Fertility, who spoke on "The Next Generation IVF Lab”. Dr. Morbeck discussed how continuous optimization can improve clinical efficiency and elevate success rates for patients.. During his talk, Dr. Morbeck  encouraged attendees to adopt “moonshot thinking” as an intentional strategy to strive for higher efficiency and better outcomes for patients. 

Complementing the scientific insights, Weylin Liew, Co-founder of Fertility Support SG, shared her personal journey with fertility challenges, including successfully conceiving two sets of twins through gestational surrogacy in the United States as a final attempt at family building. Fertility Support SG was started in 2020 by a group of ladies facing infertility who sought to create a community for couples facing similar challenges to share experiences, gain support and gain access to the right information. 

The summit continued with a session by Dr Michael Coburn, Professor and Chair of Department of Urology at Baylor College of Medicine, who presented clinical and research applications from the Baylor Urology Sperm Cryobank.  The session opened with an impromptu Q&A featuring live case studies and clinical scenarios from the GenPrime network of clinics, sparking insightful discussions and the exchange of best practices.

Expanding on the summit’s focus on innovation and optimization, Dr Cynthia Hudson, Co-founder of KindBody,VP of Clinical Strategy at TMRW Life Sciences, and a leading embryologist,  provided insights into the transformative role of technology in fertility care. She introduced  key concepts such as “ Time to Baby”, “Dollars to Baby,” and “Life Disruption to Baby”, highlighting strategies to optimize these factors for better patient outcomes. Showcasing Rhea Labs’ AI diagnostic tools, Dr. Hudson illustrated how advancements in predictive accuracy for embryo implantation are revolutionizing personalized treatments within clinic networks like GenPrime.

The summit demonstrated the transformative impact of collaboration, innovation, and personal resilience in fertility care. By combining cutting-edge technology with real-life experiences and clinical advancements, it reinforced the power of collective efforts to overcome challenges and shape the future of reproductive health, offering renewed hope for those striving to build their families.

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