Frequently asked questions

About our services

How long is the entire IVF process?

If your IVF cycle involves a fresh embryo transfer, it can end in 1 month from the time you start your follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) injections. If you are opting for Genetic Testing it would take another 2 weeks from the time your embryos are biopsied and sent for testing. Once the results are out, you would need another 3 to 6 weeks to prepare for your frozen embryo transfer. These indications of time still depends on your body’s responses to medication during the treatment process, which may shorten or lengthen the duration by a few days or a week at most.

Any side effects from IVF treatment?

Hormonal medications and injections that you take during IVF process with the purposes of getting your body to produce more eggs than it normally would could cause some effects such as mild headaches, hot flushes, mood swings, fatigue or the feeling of bloatedness. In rare cases, ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS) can occur when the ovaries over-respond to the injectable hormones.

How long does it take for sperm to reach the egg in IUI?

It can take approximately 30-45 mins, but that will also depend if your egg has been released and making its way down your fallopian tube. Otherwise, washed sperm could live up to 72 hours inside you and wait for the egg when you ovulate.

What’s the success rate for IUI?

Across many reports and medical journals, the rate of success per cycle can be anywhere between 7% to 25% due to a number of factors. The success rate decreases with a woman’s age due to egg quality factor, assuming she has 2 healthy fallopian tubes and without pre-existing conditions such as endometriosis. The quality of the sperm sample for this procedure is also another contributing factor to IUI success

Can twin pregnancies happen with Ovulation Induction?

The risk of multiple pregnancy can happen when fertility medications are used during an ovulatory cycle, but monitoring scans and dosage management by your fertility specialist with the objective of yielding a single mature egg release can reduce the chances of twin/triplet pregnancies.

What’s the success rate for IVF?

Couples tend to ask fertility clinics about their success rates and many clinics report their successes differently. In truth, the individual factors of each couple is extremely important for an IVF treatment to be successful. This is because your fertility state and medical condition is different from another person’s. What we do know with worldwide reports and in general across all women of all ages and factors is that, 1 in 2 couples can get pregnant with conventional IVF. The odds of success is even higher now with advances in fertility technology such as genetic testing and artificial intelligence (AI).