December 12, 2024

Surrogacy 101: What You Need to Know

Surrogacy offers a hopeful path to parenthood for individuals and couples struggling with infertility, health issues, or other obstacles to having children. With the help of professional fertility services and medical advancements, surrogacy makes it possible to experience the joy of parenthood. This comprehensive guide aims to answer the key questions you may have about surrogacy, such as who can benefit, how does the process work, and why is it important to choose the right agency?

Surrogacy offers a hopeful path to parenthood for individuals and couples struggling with infertility, health issues, or other obstacles to having children. With the help of professional fertility services and medical advancements, surrogacy makes it possible to experience the joy of parenthood. This comprehensive guide aims to answer the key questions you may have about surrogacy, such as who can benefit, how does the process work, and why is it important to choose the right agency?

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a reproductive arrangement where a gestational carrier carries a child for another person or couple. It is typically used by individuals who cannot carry a pregnancy due to medical reasons or by same sex couples looking to start a family. Surrogacy can be broken down into two main types: traditional and gestational.

  • Gestational Surrogacy: This is the most common form of surrogacy today. An embryo is created via in vitro fertilization (IVF). The resulting embryo is then transferred into the surrogate's uterus. The surrogate carries the pregnancy but has no genetic connection to the child, which helps simplify legal and emotional concerns for intended parents.
  • Traditional Surrogacy: In this type, the surrogate is also the egg donor and therefore the biological mother of the child. Her egg is fertilized by the sperm of the intended father (or a donor). This method is less common due to the emotional and legal complications arising from the surrogate's genetic connection to the child. In some countries, this form of surrogacy is illegal.

Why Choose Surrogacy?

Surrogacy can be a deeply meaningful path for individuals and couples who face challenges in conceiving or carrying a pregnancy. However, it is important to recognize that the process can be complex and emotionally charged, involving not only significant paperwork but also careful consideration of surrogate selection. Navigating these steps alone can be overwhelming, which is why seeking the guidance of an experienced agency and fertility clinic can make a world of difference. 

A compassionate agency can help you manage the intricacies of this journey, offering support and expertise at every step, ensuring that you are well-prepared and confident as you move forward.

  • Support and Expertise: A professional fertility clinic or surrogacy agency provides comprehensive support, from finding a surrogate to handling medical and legal matters, ensuring intended parents feel informed and supported throughout the process.
  • Legal Protection: Surrogacy laws vary by region, and navigating these legalities can be challenging. Professional agencies ensure that intended parents and surrogates are well-prepared, offering legal guidance to make the process as smooth as possible.
  • Tailored Solutions: Surrogacy arrangements must meet the specific needs of all parties involved. A highly  personalized approach ensures that surrogates and intended parents are matched based on mutual goals and expectations.

Who Can Benefit from Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a viable option for a wide range of people, including:

  • Couples Struggling with Infertility: Surrogacy provides a chance for those dealing with infertility due to uterine factor infertility such as uterine abnormalities, severe endometriosis, or multiple unexplained failed IVF cycles to have a biological child.
  • Same-Sex Couples: Surrogacy allows same-sex couples to become parents. For male couples, a gestational surrogate can carry an embryo created with one partner’s sperm and donor eggs.
  • Women with Medical Conditions: Women who have had hysterectomies, health conditions that make pregnancy dangerous, or other circumstances that prevent pregnancy can benefit from surrogacy.

At GenPrime, we offer tailored services in 3rd-party reproduction, including surrogacy options, that cater to diverse needs. Our expertise ensures that every step of the journey is handled with care, from matching surrogates with intended parents to navigating legal issues and emotional challenges.

How Does Surrogacy Work?

Surrogacy can be a complex process, involving several steps from start to finish. Here are the key steps to be aware of:

  1. Choosing an Agency: It’s essential to work with a reputable agency which specializes in third-party reproduction. This ensures that you receive expert guidance and that every aspect of the surrogacy process is handled with professionalism and compassion.

  2. Selecting a Surrogate: The agency will match intended parents with a surrogate who fits their criteria. Surrogates undergo thorough screening, including medical evaluations, psychological assessments, and background checks to ensure they are a good match.

After the surrogacy agency screens candidates, your fertility doctor will also screen her, review her medical and pregnancy history and provide an evaluation.(Please make sure this true at Gen Prime)

  1. Legal Contracts: Legal agreements are essential in surrogacy arrangements. These contracts clarify the rights and responsibilities of both the surrogate and the intended parents, protecting everyone involved.

  2. Medical Procedures: Once a match is made, the surrogate's uterus is prepared for transfer and the embryo that has been created via IVF is then transferred into the surrogate’s uterus. Her early pregnancy will be monitored by the fertility clinic and she will then transfer care to an OBGYN office at the end of the first trimester.

Embarking on an international surrogacy journey involves a more intricate process, particularly concerning the transportation of embryos across borders. In this case, the embryo is meticulously transported, often hand-carried, to the surrogate's country for transfer into her uterus. This process requires strict adherence to medical standards and legal regulations to ensure the embryo's safety and viability during transit. 

Fertility clinics and surrogacy agencies specializing in international arrangements coordinate these procedures, providing comprehensive support to intended parents throughout the journey.

  1. Pregnancy and Birth: After successful implantation, the surrogate undergoes regular prenatal care. The intended parents will be involved in the pregnancy and can be present for the birth of their child.

It's important to understand that the medical clinic and the surrogacy agency play different roles in the surrogacy process. The clinic plays a crucial role in the medical aspect, as they are responsible for screening and approving the surrogate, ensuring her health and suitability for the process. They also handle the medical management throughout the journey.

The surrogacy agency focuses on providing a pool of surrogate candidates, assisting in the selection process, and managing the relationship between the surrogate and intended parents. They also take care of logistical aspects, including coordinating the delivery, birth certificate, passport, and newborn insurance. While the surrogacy agency may offer candidate reviews, the medical clinic ultimately oversees the health and care of the surrogate.

Surrogacy Costs and Financial Planning

Surrogacy can be an expensive process, with costs varying depending on the region, the services involved, and the complexity of the case. Factors influencing the cost include:

  • Surrogate Compensation: Surrogates are compensated for their time and effort, with payment varying based on experience and the specifics of the surrogacy agreement.
  • Medical and IVF Costs: IVF procedures, egg retrieval, embryo creation - while these steps happen separate from surrogacy, embryo transfer and prenatal care are also significant costs in the surrogacy process.
  • Legal Fees: Legal services are essential to ensure the rights of both the surrogate and the intended parents are protected.
  • Agency Fees: Fertility agencies charge fees for their services, including matching surrogates and coordinating the entire process.

Surrogacy can be a significant financial commitment. It is important to look for an agency that offers clear and transparent cost breakdowns, along with flexible payment options, to help you navigate the financial aspects with ease.

Take the First Step Toward Parenthood with GenPrime

For many individuals and couples, surrogacy opens the door to the family they’ve always dreamed of, overcoming challenges like infertility or health issues. With the right guidance and a trusted fertility network such as GenPrime, the path to parenthood can be a positive and transformative experience. By thoroughly understanding the steps involved, preparing for the emotional and financial commitment, and selecting a supportive agency, intended parents can embrace the journey with confidence and excitement as they take the first steps toward growing their family.

At GenPrime, we’re here to guide you through every stage of your surrogacy journey, from the initial consultation to the birth of your child. Our expert team in third-party reproduction is dedicated to providing you with the support and care you need. Contact us now and start building the family of your dreams with confidence.

“Please note that third party reproduction should only be conducted in areas where it is legal, and where there are regulations to protect intended parents and gestational carriers.  GenPrime only facilitates third-party reproduction in jurisdictions where it is legal, and does so in full compliance with applicable laws."

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